Healing power of nature

GULF WEEKLY: Former Bahrain resident Dejana Subsol believes in the power of naturopathy and aims to raise awareness about its ‘healing effect’.

The French-Canadian of Croatian origin began practising naturopathy when she moved to the kingdom in 2010.Although she now lives in the southwest of France, she still remotely helps clients all over the world and conducts talks and workshops periodically in Bahrain – a country which holds a special place in her heart.

“I make regular visits to Bahrain because it is such a special place to me,” she said.

Dejana has a PhD in human biology and nutrition from the US, a Master of human biology and nutrition as well as a Degree in naturopathy and iridology from France along with many more qualifications in quantum energy healing, reflexology and reiki, to name a few.

“I have been honing my skills and learning about healing naturally since 2010 and it was one of the most fulfilling times of my life,” she said.

“I have held talks and workshops in Bahrain where I have spoken about the essentials of a healthy lifestyle, eating and cooking.

“I still enjoy coming back to the island and I recently held two talks here.”

In the first session, Taking Charge of your Hormones Naturally, she gave out free hormone imbalance assessments to the audience along with a 10-step hormone balancing protocol.

The second talk was all about How and Why to Detox the Naturopathic Way and not the Instagram fad way.

“It’s important to understand that we don’t treat specific health complaints in isolation,” she said.

“The patient takes a very active and responsible role in his or her own healing. We do not do the healing, the patient does. A naturopath only gives advice on how the client should change.”

According to her, naturopathy stimulates positive thinking, lowers stress, anxiety and depression, improves overall health, enhances outlook, boosts optimism and improves one’s ability to cope with health-related issues.

“My mission is to give others the answers to their health problems naturally, and since 2011, I have helped hundreds of people heal, feel better and be more in control of their bodies,” added Dejana.

“I did this through consultations, workshops and conferences – be it in Bahrain or around the world.”

She also studied yoga, acupressure and meditation to deeply understand the factors that contribute to human healing.

“Naturopaths help bring people to that vibrant state of wellness by treating the root cause of imbalances and optimising food, nutrition, herbs, supplements and lifestyle changes,” she said.

“Nature provides the medicine and the naturopath provides the programme and the support.

“We always start with the ancient principle that your body has an innate ability to heal. We also take a whole-person approach using tried and truer naturopathic health assessment tools such as iridology, quantum machines and visual signs (nails, tongue, facial and body signs).”

It was her constant struggle with chronic fatigue and her son Nicolas’ asthma and allergy attacks that prompted her to try out natural healing.

“I spent the first 15 years of my career as an architect working on projects in the UK, Canada, France and Belgium,” said the mother-of-two.

“Then, I began to study biology and naturopathy.

“My son had heavy medications for asthma and I was told nothing much could be done about it. This seemed so wrong! My own health was also compromised and I was chronically tired and overweight.

“I believed deeply in natural medicine and yet I was astonished to find out how just by changing my son’s food, he got much better. His allergies and asthma attacks stopped. He is now 30 and is both asthma and allergy-free. As for me, I got the energy of my teenage years back. This was really motivating for me.”

Dejana says today she helps people deal with imbalances from a simple cold, weight loss, allergies, hormonal imbalances, hyperactive children and autistic children to the most complex and degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and diabetes.

For details, follow @dejananaturally on Instagram.

Source by By Mai Al-Khatib-Camille, mai.alkhatib@gulfweekly.com